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Smart Logistics Management Solutions

Smart-IT Introduces multifunctional Warehouse Management Systems that improves all your needs in managing warehouses
with all its transactions by a dynamically creation of Items, Stores, Vans, Storekeepers, Suppliers, etc … and all data needed to
have an updated review of warehouses data modifications and immediate stock balance.
Our logistics Solutions built on a heavy analysis supporting all ways of warehouse transactions that after creation of items there
is ability to add items, spend items, and transfer between stores, ability to transfer multiple Quantities of items to more than one
store in one transaction, ability to book number of items to a specific store and more…
All transactions have a very user friendly data entry way to make a fast performance.
Our logistics solutions have also a Handheld Mobile Version (Smart Mobile Warehouse Management System) which allows a very
compatible and fast performance for data entry by Storekeepers.